Is the Universe God?

The Universe as Creator

The Universe is our creator. Barring proof of anything external being responsible for the creation of the Universe, it could very well be our fundamental creator. Consequently, we can consider the Universe to be God.

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Is the Universe Intelligent?

Je pense, donc je suis. 1

We are thinking creatures. The fact that we can think we refer to as intelligence. 
We are but an infinitesimal subset of the Universe. Since all of our thought processes are a part of the universe, and since we refer to ourselves as intelligent, the universe possesses all of our thought processes and all of our intelligence.

The universe is much more complex than we are. It seems to follow that if we can think, then the universe itself must be capable of thought. In what form is difficult to say, but it does contain all of your thoughts.

1. René Descartes – 1637

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Is the Universe Alive?

The same reasoning that applies to intelligence can be applied to life, Since we are alive, and we are subsets of the universe, does it not follow that the Universe itself must be alive?

However, these are philosophical arguments, and I’m certain that there will be those who would debate this reasoning to the contrary.

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