What if Satan existed?

Thoughts on how Satan would gain control

Let’s go with the premise that God created the Universe. 
If there was an evil, say some sort of anti-God that wanted credit for God’s work, how would he (1) function? What could he implement in order to get people to worship him, instead of God.

Probable first step would be to take credit for the creation of the Universe. Claim that he is God. Maybe tell those he wants to follow him that he created the Universe in 6 days and 6 nights, taking a 7th day off for rest. Now if the followers start looking into it, they are going to figure out that it’s not the truth, so we have to implement some sort of warning to keep them from investigating on their own. Tell them not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge, (because knowledge leads to the truth, and they might end up questioning Satan as a God.) A good story will drive home the message, and we’ll need to create another version of evil (Satan 2.0) who is responsible for leading our hero and heroine astray (call them the first man an woman, taking credit for our followers creation as well.) 
The final nail, Satan would inform them he is a jealous God, so no worshiping others or idols. 

(1) Satan is usually depicted as a male, so I will use masculine pronouns, but Satan could be female or sexless.

Once Satan develops a group of followers, he needs to develop unquestioning obedience. Satan needs to take credit for something that can be called a miracle. To do this he needs a devoted follower that he can mold to his will, and can be used to interact with his followers, an the physical world. Some type of prophet.
Starting with people that are subjected to some form of servitude. Coercing them through his prophet to persevere and gain their freedom from servitude would be a good start. Promise them land and prosperity when they succeed.
Next implement a set of laws for his disciples to follow. Have the prophet carve a  set of commandments in stone to follow. These should be in some form where most will benefit the followers, but will be impossible to follow 100% of the time. The need for exceptions will require penance, and further worship.
Show the commandments, and get the followers to kill any that don’t want to follow. (Thou shall not kill might be one of the commandments, but exceptions are made for non-believers.) Murdering them in their sleep doesn’t risk the lives of the followers.
Develop an army, and finish up by taking land away from the current tenants. This will be the promised land. Sieging their cities, and murdering all men, women and children that are on the land. If a battle is lost, it can be said that it’s because the leader offended God, or sinned. When successful, it’s God’s will and Satan can take credit for the victory. This final process might take many generations, and require a lineage of prophets.

Finally, Documentation:

An important factor in creating a strong following will be documentation. Satan’s followers need to be literate, and document their story. This will be used to back up his reputed benevolence as well as his power. This Torah, or Testament will be critical in brainwashing future generations. It will not only contain the history, but also any rules, tips, and other rules that might prove beneficial.

The Second Prime Evil