Is Satan Real

Thoughts on Religious Teachings

Satan, and other evils

Satan is a concept inherent in many organized religions. There is no physical being, but the concept exists, and is as real as any thought. Satan is a creation of organized religion. When accidents, or bad things happen, religions need a scapegoat. Otherwise, their concept of a benevolent God watching out for them doesn’t fit reality. So it was necessary to create Satan. 

Satan also satisfies another need for organized religions. In the carrot and stick approach, Satan is the stick. If you don’t adhere to the religious organizations tenets, you are Satanic, Satan is the purveyor of Hell, and if you don’t do as the religious organization dictates, you will suffer for eternity. Question the religion and you are a blasphemer. Blasphemers are to be punished (in the past, and in some religions still, blasphemers are tortured and often killed,) and sent to Hell.

The first Prime  evil